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What to Look for in a Computer Monitor

A computer monitor is important for any computer because it visually brings the world of computers to people. There are various things to consider when choosing a computer monitor, including the resolution, size, display type, refresh quality, and pixel size. The size of the pixels on the monitor should also be taken into account.

The first thing to consider is the resolution quality of the monitor. The resolution is determined by the number of pixels on the screen. A higher number of pixels results in better resolution. For example, a monitor with a resolution of 1600x1280 is better than a 1280x1024 monitor. The horizontal number of pixels is listed first, followed by the vertical number.

The next aspect to consider is the size of the monitor. The size refers to the screen's diagonal measurement. Sixteen-inch monitors are popular, but there are other sizes available at typical stores that sell computer monitors. When choosing a monitor, it is important to consider the user's ability to read what is on the screen.

The display type used in a monitor is similar to that used in a television set. Larger monitors use cathode ray tubes, while liquid crystal display monitors are becoming more popular due to their thinner size. It should be noted that the display type affects the colors on the monitor. Cathode ray tube monitors are easily visible from multiple angles and display images well, while liquid crystal display monitors offer higher quality resolution. However, technology for liquid crystal display monitors is improving, and they are easier to place on a typical desk due to their smaller width.

The refresh quality of the monitor is another important factor to consider. This refers to the highest number of vertical scans the monitor can produce. A typical monitor will have a range between seventy and two hundred vertical scans per second. A higher number of vertical scans per second means that the monitor can refresh what is on the screen at a faster rate, resulting in less flickering.

In addition to the number of pixels, the size of each individual pixel should also be considered. Each pixel has a specific size in millimeters, which determines the dot pitch of the monitor. A typical dot pitch for a quality monitor is .25, indicating that the pixels are small and less than a millimeter in size. A smaller dot pitch results in a better monitor and allows for greater levels of resolution on smaller monitors.

When looking for a computer monitor, it is important to consider the resolution, size, refresh quality, display type, and pixel size. Not all computer monitors are the same, so it is crucial to consider all these aspects in order to find a monitor that meets individual needs.